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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...Selawat & Salam ke atas Junjungan Mulia Nabi Muhammad Shollallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Selamat datang ke blog Permata Murah Sokmo. Setiap ciptaan Allah di muka bumi ini tidak ada satupun yang sia-sia. Ambillah manfaat daripada setiap ciptaan-Nya. Tidak ada sesuatupun yang lebih hebat melainkan kekuasaan-Nya. Setiap yang berlaku dengan izin-Nya jua. Semua barangan yg dijual di dlm blog ini adalah didapati di alam nyata, pengasas tidak berkompromi sama sekali dengan alam bunian atau jin serta perkara yg boleh merosakkan akidah. Semoga dengan melihat setiap kejadian yang diciptakan Allah membuatkan diri kita lebih dekat kepada Maha Pencipta, Tuhan sekalian alam. Mohon maaf atas kekurangan dan kelemahan pengasas dalam menyampaikan maklumat seandainya tidak seperti yang diharapkan. Salam Ukhuwah daripada pengasas blog Permata Murah Sokmo. Semoga kita sentiasa dirahmati Allah. -Wallahu A`lam

Sunday 18 November 2012


Iron Tiger's Eye (Mugglestone) composed of 2 billion year old sedimentary deposits comprise of chet or even tiger's eye, red jasper and black or silver gray hematite,exhibits the metaphysical properties of its components as well as its own.  Tiger Iron is the perfect companion for those who tend to take on others feelings and emotions (whether consciously or unconsciously).  Readers and Healers should keep a piece of Tiger Iron close to remain grounded, balanced and centered during a session.

Tiger Iron is a powerful lower Chakra stone, promoting physical vitality, energy, and stamina.  Tiger Iron is a helpful aid to those who feel emotionally, mentally or physically exhausted and burned out.  Full of grounding Earth energy, Tiger Iron also helps to find courage and refuge in times of danger, and promotes a deeper connection to the Earth and her cycles.  Tiger Iron, like Golden Brown Tiger Eye, is helpful in manifesting ideas into reality and giving personal strength in times of change.

Tiger Iron is a great stone to use for creative solutions and ideas.  Many musicians, artists, actors, and writers find Tiger Iron to be a perfect ally in their pursuits, but it is also helpful for any in the working world to come up with new ways of dealing with old problems.

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